Save by Being a Wise Consumer

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What price, health care?


It is more common to know the price of a car than the price of health care services. It is also more common to take more time looking for a car than a doctor. To be prepared to take care of your health and health care costs, plan ahead:

Save on Doctor Bills and Health Tests

•  Don't wait until you get sick to find a doctor. Having a doctor can save the expense of having to go to an urgent care center or emergency room.

•  Know what costs your health plan covers and what you need to pay.

•  Post a list of places your health plan approves for treatment. When you need care, use them instead of out-of-plan ones, which could cost you extra money.

•  If you have a yearly deductible, budget for this with the rest of your bills.

Check credentials.

You can't afford to trust your health to just anyone. Find out about doctors from:

•  American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) at 866.ASK.ABMS (275.2267) or

•  DocFinder at

•  The Federation of State Medical Boards at 888.ASK.FCVS (275.3287) or

•  Health Grades at

Look for quality.

Check out the track records of health plans, hospitals, and doctors. Contact the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality at

Protect yourself from medical errors.

These could cost extra money and can even cost you your life. Be your own watch dog. Take an active role in every decision about your health care. If needed, have a family member or friend oversee your care.

Know about tax breaks.

Medical and dental expenses are tax deductible if they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. If you are self-employed, you may be allowed to deduct 45% of the cost of your health insurance premium. Find out from

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