Athlete’s Foot

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Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection. It usually affects the skin between the toes.

Signs & Symptoms

•  Moist, soft, red or gray- white scales on the feet, especially between the toes.

•  Cracked, peeling, dead skin areas.

•  Itching.

•  Sometimes small blisters on the feet.


People usually pick up the fungus from walking barefoot over wet floors, around swimming pools and locker rooms, and in public showers.


Self-care treats most cases of athlete’s foot.

Questions to Ask


American Academy of Dermatology

866.503.SKIN (503.7546)

Self-Care / Prevention

•  Wash your feet twice a day, especially between your toes. Dry the area thoroughly. Don’t use antibacterial soaps.

•  Use an over-the-counter antifungal powder, cream, or spray between your toes and inside your socks and shoes.

•  Wear clean socks made of natural fibers (cotton or wool). Change your socks during the day to help your feet stay dry. Wear shoes, such as sandals or canvas loafers, that allow ventilation.

•  Alternate shoes daily to let each pair dry out.

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