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Chest Pain
• Chest pressure, squeezing, burning, tightness, or pain (may spread to the arm, neck, back, tooth, or jaw).
• Chest discomfort with: Shortness of breath; sweating; nausea; fast or uneven pulse; lightheadedness; fainting.
• Chest pain that does not respond to medicine for a person with angina or heart problems.
Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm
This is a tear in the main artery from the heart.
Signs & Symptoms
• Severe chest pain with extreme pain felt across the upper back (not just on one side) that came on within 15 minutes without an injury, back strain, etc. The pain can spread to the abdomen.
• A knife-like sensation from front to back.
• Dizziness and fainting.
What To Do
Blood clot(s) to the lungs
Signs & Symptoms
Chest pain that gets worse when taking deep breaths and occurs with any of these conditions:
• Sudden shortness of breath and severe problems breathing.
• Rapid heartbeat.
• Cough with bloody sputum.
• Sudden onset of chest pain with calf pain.
• Long periods of being immobile from bed rest, recent surgery, or prolonged travel.
What To Do
Collapsed Lung
Trauma to the chest is the main cause.
Signs & Symptoms
• Sudden and sharp chest pain or tightness with breathing.
• Increasing shortness of breath.
What To Do
Signs & Symptoms
Squeezing, pressure, indigestion feeling, or pain (often dull) in the chest. The pain may spread to the arm, neck, jaw, or back. Symptoms come on or are made worse by stress or physical exertion. They ease with rest.
What To Do
See Angina.
Signs & Symptoms
The pain is on only one side of the chest and is not affected by breathing. A burning feeling and a skin rash are at the site of the pain.
What To Do
See Shingles.
Tuberculosis (TB)
Chronic lung infection with a certain bacteria.
Signs & Symptoms
Vague pain in the chest (if any). Shortness of breath; chronic fatigue; cough with phlegm or blood; night sweats; appetite and weight loss; and fever.
What To Do
Heartburn or Hiatal Hernia
{Note: This could also signal a heart attack.}
Signs & Symptoms
Burning feeling in the chest or just above the stomach that comes and goes before, during, or after eating. It gets worse when you bend over or lie down.
What To Do
The membrane that surrounds the lungs is inflamed. Muscle strain or rib injury.
Signs & Symptoms
Chest pain that worsens with deep breaths, coughing, or touching the chest or ribs.
What To Do
Flu, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, or Other Upper Respiratory Infection
Signs & Symptoms
Chest pain with fever and coughing up green, yellow, or gray mucus.
What To Do
Precordial Catch Syndrome
This harmless, recurrent problem usually occurs in young adults.
Signs & Symptoms
Sudden, sharp pain below the left nipple that lasts less than a minute or so.
What To Do
This is inflammation where the ribs attach to the breastbone.
Signs & Symptoms
Pain and tender feeling in the upper part of the chest. The pain gets worse when pressure is applied to the area. It can get worse with deep breaths, too.
What To Do
See doctor for diagnosis. Take an OTC medicine for pain and swelling. Apply a heating pad set on low or a hot water bottle to the area of pain.
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