Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
Broken Bones
Legs & Feet Concerns
Dental & Mouth Concerns
Ear & Nose
Eye Conditions
Head Conditions
Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
Broken Bones
Legs & Feet Concerns
Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
Broken Bones
Dental & Mouth Concerns
Ear & Nose
Eye Conditions
Head Conditions
Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
Broken Bones
Dental & Mouth Concerns
Ear & Nose
Eye Conditions
Head Conditions
Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
Broken Bones & Dislocations
Legs & Feet Concerns
Cuts, Scrapes & Punctures
Neck Links
Head & Neck Concerns
Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
Broken Bones & Dislocations
Legs & Feet Concerns
Cuts, Scrapes & Punctures
Neck Links
Head & Neck Concerns
Online Clinic
Wise Healthcare
Print on Demand
Medicare is health insurance funded by the federal government. There is a lot to know about Medicare. For information, call the Medicare Choices Helpline at 1-800-MEDICARE (633-4227). Ask that a copy of the Medicare guide be mailed to you. You can also find out about Medicare on the Internet at
To be “eligible” for Medicare means:
• You are 65 years or older. You must also be eligible for Social Security or Railroad Retirement Benefits, or
• You must be disabled for life and you have received Social Security Disability Insurance payments for at least 24 months, or
• You have end stage renal disease needing transplant or dialysis.
To apply for medicare, call the Social Security Administration. The number is 1-800-772-1213. Call 3 months before you turn age 65. Don’t wait any longer than 3 months after your 65th birthday to call. If you receive social security payments, you should automatically get a Medicare card, but don’t take a chance. Call the Social Security Administration as mentioned above.
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