“Can’t afford to get fit” is one of the top excuses people give when asked why they don’t exercise. That’s about as logical as saying, “I can’t drive because I can’t afford a Mercedes.” Here are penny-wise ways to get fit from University of Alberta exercise experts:

  • Walk. Most people walk 4,000 to 5,000 steps per day anyway. Aim to add more steps in your daily activities.
  • Use a pedometer to help keep track of your steps. You can get one for about $10, but sometimes health fairs give them away free.
  • Take the stairs every chance you get, even if it’s only one flight.
  • Don’t use your children as an excuse not to exercise. Take them along for a walk or run in a stroller, wagon, or on a bike.
  • Turn on your radio and dance up a storm for 20 to 30 minutes in the privacy of your own home.
  • Use the lowest stair or stairs in your home and create your own step workout.
  • Turn your canned goods into weights. Or pour sand or water into empty milk bottles to create weights.
  • Grab a chair or the kitchen counter and do some push-ups, squats and leg lifts.
  • Pair a favorite TV show with some sit-ups. Just hook your toes under the sofa. Stand up and jog during commercials.
  • Got rope? Jump it for a total body workout.
  • Check with your company wellness program, community league or local rec center for any exercise classes, walking clubs, or team sports you can join.
  • Go for a walk or just stand by your workstation and stretch for 5 to 10 minutes every hour.

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