Colder temps, darker and longer days, and the temptation to eat more and move less. Sound like your winter schedule? Boost your mood with this advice from Highmark, a health care company.

  • Focus on nutrient-rich foods. Eating “comfort foods” may help you relax and give you a mood boost, but it’s only temporary. Nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein foods provide a consistent and long-lasting impact on your health, mood, energy, and alertness.
  • Cut back on your fat intake. A high-fat diet can be a real brain and energy drainer. Just say “no” to deep-fried foods and look for foods that contain no more than 3 grams of fat per serving.
  • Eat moderate portion sizes and avoid large meals. Have you ever wondered why you feel tired after eating a large meal? During periods of digestion, your blood supply is directed to the digestive tract and away from the rest of the body, which causes you to slow down.
  • Eat regular meals. Skipping meals can slow your metabolic rate, and the lower your metabolism, the lower your energy level. Plan regular meals and snacks to keep your metabolic rate and blood sugar levels normal to provide your brain the best means to function and handle stress.
  • Remember balance, variety, and moderation. The best strategy for maintaining a good mood, high-energy level, and concentration is to consistently eat a wide variety of foods high in nutritional value.

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