Beware of exercise gimmicks

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Let’s face it: working out is, well, work. It takes time and commitment to exercise regularly, and sticking to it can be tough.


Exercise gimmicks and fads target the millions of people who want the benefits of exercise but may be looking for a quicker solution. Some products may claim to “spot reduce,” or slim one area of the body, such as the tummy or legs. Others may claim to give you the benefits of a long workout in just a few minutes.


Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether something is an effective piece of equipment or a scam. Before purchasing, ask yourself if the product:

•  Promises amazing results without any work or “sweat”

•  Focuses on just one area of the body, saying you can trim this problem area

•  Advertises that you can lose many inches or pounds in just a few days or weeks

•  Doesn’t provide a clear cost for the equipment or only offers monthly payment plans


Unfortunately, many of these products don’t do what they claim, and some may not work at all. But, you don’t need a device or special equipment to reap the benefits of exercise. You can lose weight and get healthier with just 30 minutes a day of activity. Walking, gardening, dancing and biking are possible options. Pick something you enjoy so you’ll stick with it. If you don’t have 30 minutes in your day, break it up into three 10-minute chunks.


Instead of worrying about the latest fitness gimmick, stick to the activities listed above. Your health and fitness level will improve, and you can save your money for fitness rewards, such as a new pair of walking shoes or exercise clothes.


Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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