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Step 2: Stress Management at Work

Work Stressor Questionnaire

Work stressors can be identified in almost all aspects of one’s job. Before taking action to eliminate or reduce these stressors, pinpoint their sources. Isolate these factors so corrective action can begin.


Instructions: Think about how often you encounter the following situations. Rate yourself with the following scale in each category.

1 = Never

2 = Rarely

3 = Occasionally

4 = Usually

5 = Constantly

Stress Management Quick Links

STEP 2: Stress Management at Work


Work Stress Factors

Burnout Self Inventory

Identify Burnout Traits

A. Disagreement & Indecision

•  Unsure of co-workers expectations

•  Unfriendly attitude in co-workers

•  Job responsibilities go against your better judgment.

•  Can’t satisfy conflicting demands from superiors

•  Trouble refusing overtime

B. Pressure on the Job

•  Overloaded, unable to complete tasks during an average day

•  Too much supervision

•  Job requirements are taking their toll on your private life

•  Rushed to complete work or short on time

•  Too much red tape

C. Job Description Conflict

•  Uncertainty about your exact job responsibilities

•  Too much teamwork

•  Poor flow of information to you in order to carry out your job

•  Not enough authority for you to  properly do your job

•  Discomfort in handling unethical assignments

D. Communications & Comfort with Supervisor

•  Ideas differ from those of your supervisor

•  Trouble talking to boss

•  Unable to predict supervisor’s reactions

•  Boss gives little feedback about your work

•  Boss is overly critical of your work

E. Job Related Health Concerns

•  Work conditions are unhealthy

•  Physical dangers exist at work place

•  Heavy physical tasks to complete

•  Hostile threats from co-workers

•  Sick days are discouraged

F. Work Overload Stress

•  Can’t consult with others on projects

•  Co-workers are inefficient

•  Often take work home to complete

•  Responsible for too many people/projects

•  Shortage of help at work

G. Work Underload Stress

•  Too little responsibility at work

•  Overqualified for your job

•  Little chance for growth exists

•  Trying to “look” busy on job

•  Feeling unstimulated

H. Boredom Induced Stress

•  Repetitive or highly specialized routine

•  Not learning anything new

•  Can’t see final outcome of your efforts

•  Job is too easy

•  Daydreaming frequently

I. Problem of Job Security

•  Fear of being laid off or fired

•  Worry about poor pension

•  Concerned about low wages

•  Need “pull” to get ahead

•  Could be fired without cause

J. Time Pressure

•  Constant reminders that “time is money”

•  Starting and ending times are rigid

•  Monotonous pace of work

•  Not enough break or meal time

•  Work pace is too fast

K. Job Barrier Stress

•  Hope for advancement or raise is limited

•  Sex/age discrimination exists at job

•  Not suited to job

•  Work has no personal meaning

•  Work goes unrecognized

How to Score: Add the numbers you circled within each of the areas and record them.

Place a star (*) next to the highest scoring category.


A. Disagreement & Indecision

B. Pressure on the Job

C. Job Description Conflict

D. Communication & Comfort with Supervisor

E. Job Related Health Concerns

F. Work Overload Stress

G. Work Underload Stress

H. Boredom Induced Stress

I. Problem of Job Security

J. Time Pressure

K. Job Barrier Stress


TOTAL SCORE (add scores A - K)


Within each area, scores will range from 5 to 25. Scores of 14 or above suggest problem areas.


Overall scores will fall within the 55 to 275 range. Scores of 135 or above would suggest an unusual amount of work related stress. Use the Ten Tips for Preventing Burnout in the next section to combat the effects of work related stress.

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