Stress Management

Stress Less for Success

Learn how to cope at work.

No matter where you work, stress happens. It can be good in small spurts because it triggers hormones that give you a boost of energy to help you meet a deadline. Too much stress, though, can cause headaches, upset stomach, back pain, and lots of excuses to call in sick. You can take control by becoming aware of your personal triggers and learning how to keep them from turning you into the moody, unproductive employee that coworkers avoid.

Common sources of workplace stressors:

•  Little or no control over your work

•  Conflict with fellow employees

•  Repetition of duties

•  Too much or too little work

•  Time pressures or quotas

•  Lack of job security

•  Decrease in pay or benefits

•  No opportunity for promotion

•  Lack of recognition for a job well-done

Common signs of work stress:

•  You question the quality of your work.

•  You are easily agitated or angered.

•  You feel anxious.

•  You forget tasks.

•  You keep making mistakes.

•  You’re using drugs or alcohol to cope or escape.

•  You don’t communicate well with other  employees.

Coping mechanisms:

•  Keep a running “to-do” list.

•  Organize clutter.

•  Manage your time.

•  When you feel overwhelmed with your workload, discuss this with your boss.

•  Focus on what you can control and let the rest go.

•  Take breaks and don’t skip lunch.

•  Walk around the building.

•  Reward yourself for jobs well-done.

•  Don’t turn a simple snafu into a major drama.

•  Leave your work at the office.

•  Recognize when it’s time to look for a new job.

Action Step

Poor communication is a major cause of stress at work. When something is bothering you, speak up, but do so tactfully, clearly, and respectfully.

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