Clean contacts matter

If you wear contact lenses, it’s important to keep them clean and care for them properly. Not taking care of your contact lens could cause an eye infection known as keratitis, which can cause serious eye problems. The CDC says 988,000 people had keratitis in 2010. The biggest risk factor was improper care of contact lenses.


You can greatly reduce your risk of this infection by doing the following things each day:

•  Wash your hands with soap and water before inserting or removing your lenses.

•  Use only sterile contact lens solution and disinfectant. Don’t use water, saliva, or other liquids to store or rinse your lenses.

•  Gently rub your lenses with disinfectant daily.

•  Remove your lenses before showering, swimming and sleeping.

•  Use fresh solution every day. Dump out all the old solution.

•  Don’t wear lenses longer than directed. For instance, some disposable contacts are designed to be worn for one day. Some can be worn for several weeks or longer. Ask your eye care professional if you’re not sure.

•  Don’t use expired solution or contacts.

•  Replace your contact lens case every three to six months.


Source: The American Academy of Ophthalmology

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