
For media inquiries, email or call 800-345-2476 ext. 231.

Founded in 1983, the URAC-Accredited American Institute for Preventive Medicine has helped over 13,000 organizations reduce healthcare costs and absenteeism, while helping over 15 million employees or members improve their health and well being.

Our team is available as an expert source on a variety of topics, including:

  • Wellness as an antidote to the rising cost of health care
  • Empowering patients by teaching wise health care consumerism
  • Essential components of successful workplace wellness programs
  • Creating a culture of health in the workplace
  • Motivating people to change unhealthy behaviors


Brett Powell is interviewed by WELCOA CEO, Sara Martin:


Brett Powell is interviewed by Rita Patel on the WellBites Podcast from the Michigan Wellness Council:


Brett Powell is on the Redesigning Wellness podcast with Jen Arnold:


Dr. Powell honored by Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports for its 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award:


Dr. Powell on IHC radio discussing Healthcare Access and Self-Care:


Dr. Powell honored by Crain’s as a Health Care Hero: