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Time Flies When You are Disorganized

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Manage your time. Prioritize.


How many times have you wished there were more hours in a day or looked up at the clock and wondered how the day flew by so fast with little accomplished? By managing your time, you can help manage the stress that comes with unfinished business.

Stop Family Friction Before it Starts

Tips to help manage time:

Cope with Emotional

Fender Benders

•  Write a “To Do” list. Planning your day can ease your mind of nagging worry that you’ve missed something. Checking off items gives you the feeling of satisfaction.

•  Prioritize: Put the most important tasks at the top.

•  Give yourself enough time to do the job right the first time. You don’t want to spend more time later correcting mistakes.

•  Avoid distractions. Close your door, turn off the phone, and don’t check your email every five minutes.

•  Set time limits. Give yourself an allotted amount of time to check and respond to emails, text messages, and  phone calls.

•  Avoid unproductive meetings. A quick phone call or email will be faster and can save you a lot of time.

•  Take breaks. Stand up, stretch and take a walk.

•  If the task seems overwhelming, break it into smaller parts. Focus on one task at a time.

•  Pass the buck. Is there anything you can pass on to someone else to handle?

•  Find your groove. If you get more done in the mornings, block that time to focus on detailed projects.

•  Utilize technology. Use your computer and smartphone options and apps to help you track your time, remind you of meetings, and alert you when tasks are due.

•  Just say no. Less important tasks can wait.

•  Take a day off. You are no good to anybody if you can’t concentrate.

Action Step

Keep a diary of everything you do. You may learn that trying to find things on your cluttered desk, spending too much time on Facebook or watching TV are keeping you from completing what you need to get done.

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