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Strike a Pose

Relax your body and mind with yoga.

You don’t have to be like Gumby or Stretch Armstrong to benefit from yoga. This mind-body practice uses physical poses, controlled breathing, and meditation to relax the body and mind and ease the spirit.


Health benefits of yoga:

Success Over Stress Basics

Growing evidence shows that yoga may be an effective exercise for improving a variety of health-related problems, such as low back pain, stress, depression, and high blood pressure. Research also indicates that it may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke and relieve symptoms of asthma and arthritis.

Find your own balance.

There are many varieties of yoga which began about 5,000 years ago in ancient India. Nearly all styles are rooted in hatha yoga, which focuses on developing control of the body through asanas or poses. Some styles focus on holding the posture or flow of movement. Others hone in on breathing techniques. No style is better than another. Find a teacher you like and a style that’ll help you reach your personal goals. If you have a medical condition, talk with your doctor before you start. Know your limitations and ask questions of your instructor about the physical demands of certain styles.

Ten benefits of yoga:

1. Get a better sense of well-being.

2. Reduce stress.

3. Lower heart rate and blood pressure.

4. Increase your lung capacity.

5. Relax your muscles.

6. Increase muscle strength.

7. Increase flexibility.

8. Have a taller posture.

9. Sleep better.

10. Increase overall physical fitness.

Action Step

Learn the basic yoga postures in your own home using instructions online or in a book. Once you gain confidence, take a class where a professional instructor will make sure you are doing the postures correctly.

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