Step 7: Communication & Stress
Skills for Active Listening
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To improve listening skills, become a more ACTIVE listener. Three techniques that help are: paraphrasing, clarifying, and giving feedback.
This is simply saying back in your own words what you think someone has said. Example: “Do you mean...”
Stress Management Quick Links
STEP 7: Communication And stress
This is like paraphrasing, but questions are asked in order to gain more information. Example: “Would you tell me more about...”
This technique is used following paraphrasing or clarifying. Feedback is sharing some thoughts by the listener as a result of understanding what was said. An example of an opening phrase is, “It sounds like...”
The Benefits of Assertiveness
Assertiveness Training - The L.A.D.D.E.R. Technique
My Practice L.A.D.D.E.R.
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