Step 6: Time Management
Should You Delegate?
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The skill of delegation is essential for effective time mangers to master. Delegation of tasks enables a busy person to free up valuable time and energy. It is, by definition, the ability to appoint someone else to act on your behalf.
Instructions: Place a check mark by any of the statements that you consider to be reasons not to delegate your tasks.
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STEP 6: Time Management
• I should be able to do it by myself.
• It has to be perfect.
• Other people can’t do it all.
• Delegating is a cop out. It’s only for disorganized people.
• I feel guilty asking someone else.
• It would take longer to explain how I want it done than to do it myself.
• People will think that I’m not capable of this job.
• I’d be giving up my power.
All of the above statements are popular myths about delegation. They demonstrate a need to better understand the benefits of delegation.
Should You Delegate?
Delegation Caddy
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