Systematic Stress Management Program

Step 3: Type A & B Behavior Section

Take Steps to Become Type B

Now that you’ve identified your Type A and Type B characteristics, the next step is to begin making adjustments. Below is a list of suggestions. Complete all four steps. Check off each item as you practice it.

Step 1 – Become Aware of Type A Behaviors

•  Review the Self-Inventory.

•  Ask a friend or relative for feedback on your Type A characteristics.

•  Look in a mirror throughout the day. Notice facial gestures indicating anger, upset, or strain.

•  Ask yourself at the end of the day, “Did I do anything which might have been hurtful to anyone?”

•  Ask yourself at the end of the day, “Did I show anyone a kind gesture or say a kind word?”

•  Each day, write down the things that make you angry. Take note of the time, place, your thoughts, and actions. Look for common or repeated items.

Step 2 – Inject These Type B Behaviors Into Your Lifestyle

•  Take a break and daydream.

•  Eat a light lunch and take time to browse in a store or walk in the park.

•  Smile at someone.

•  Allow some time to be alone each day.

•  Notice something of beauty.

•  Practice a relaxation technique.

•  Stop using obscenities.

•  Practice patience and trust.

•  Allow yourself to lose at a game.

•  Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

•  Learn to laugh at yourself.

Step 3 – Purposefully Show Kindness

•  Accept others as they are.

•  Tell close friends or relatives that you appreciate them.

•  Buy a small gift for someone for no reason.

•  Call or write a friend or relative.

•  Plan an outing for dinner or the movies to surprise someone.

•  Say a positive, “Good Morning,” to family members and co-workers.

•  Find an opportunity to say, “Perhaps I’m wrong.” every day, even if you doubt you are.

Step 4 – Dispel the Following Myths

•  I need to be hostile to get ahead.

•  I can’t change, this is just the way I am.

•  Showing love and kindness is a sign of weakness.

•  There is a right and perfect solution to everything.

•  It is weak to act unsure or doubtful.

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