Systematic Stress Management Program

Step 6: Time Management

Step 6: Time Management Section

Procrastination Quiz

Consider the issue of procrastination. It is at the core of poor time management. Procrastination is defined as the intentional postponement of a task because it appears unpleasant. Many people procrastinate unknowingly. Take this quiz and see how you score.


Instructions: Place a check in the appropriate column if you ever find yourself saying or doing the following:

Total your check marks for each column separately. Multiply these totals by the factors indicated. Total your scores for each column to get your procrastination score. Evaluate that score on the following scale:


0 - 7  = Procrastination is not a problem for you.

8 - 14 = Procrastination may be hindering your performance.

15 - 33 = Procrastination is hindering your performance. Evaluate immediately which of the above areas you can change.

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