Systematic Stress Management Program

Step 2: Stress Management at Work

Burnout Self Inventory

People’s work life can range from exhilarating to exhausting. There are periods when work can become over-whelming and prevent a normal life. When this happens, we call it burnout. Burnout is described as a condition of feeling depleted, exhausted, or just worn out while striving to reach some goal. It is the fatigue and frustration that is felt when stress management is neglected or work loads are excessive. Complete this self inventory to determine burnout factors in your work life.


Instructions: Think back over the past six months of your life. Have things changed? Do you feel different? Think about your job...your family...your social activities. Ask yourself the questions listed below, then give yourself a number for the appropriate response. Add up your score.

1 = no change

2 = some small changes

3 = varies from day to day

4 = more change than I’d like

5 = a great deal of change

•  Do you tire more easily?

•  Have people been saying “You don’t look so good lately?”

•  Are you working harder and accomplishing less?

•  Are you becoming cynical?

•  Do you often feel a sadness you can’t explain?

•  Are you forgetful? (Appointments, deadlines, dates)

•  Are you more irritable, short-tempered, and disappointed in other people?

•  Do you see close friends and family members less than you’d like?

•  Are you too busy to do even routine things?

•  Are you suffering from physical complaints? (Aches, pains, headaches, a lingering cold)

•  Do you feel disoriented when the day’s activities end?

•  Is it hard to find joy in life?

•  Are you unable to laugh at yourself?

•  Does sex seem like more trouble than it’s worth?

•  Do you have little to say to people?

Your Score: _____________



The Burnout Scale

0 - 25 You’re doing fine.

26 - 35 You’re okay, but should be cautious.

36 - 50 You’re a candidate for burnout.

51 - 65 You’re burning out.

Over 65 You’re in a dangerous state that’s a threat to your physical and mental well-being.

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