Systematic Stress Management Program

Step 7: Communication & Stress Section

Assertiveness Inventory

Using the scale below, place the appropriate number in front of each statement. Answer how you would honestly feel, not how you “think” you should feel.


1. At ease, very comfortable

2. Slightly ill-at-ease

3. Uncomfortable

4. Extremely uncomfortable

I AM...

1.  Returning merchandise at a store

2.  Making a business call or appointment

3.  Asking favors from others

4.  Speaking in public

5.  Speaking to a very attractive person

6.  Complaining about poor restaurant service

7.  Being evaluated on my performance

8.  Disagreeing with my boss or co-worker

9.  Responding to strangers

10. Handling personal criticism

11. Questioning someone’s judgement

12. Venting my anger

13. Speaking up when I’ve been cheated or ignored

14. Dealing with uncooperative people

15. Declining an invitation

16. Declining to buy an item from a salesperson

17. Asking someone to stop talking while in a movie theater

18. Beginning a conversation with a stranger

19. Returning to school or taking a class

20. Refusing an unreasonable request made by a friend

21. Receiving a compliment

22. Offering constructive criticism to a friend

23. Reprimanding someone

24. Making a job change

25. Making or accepting a date or social appointment

26. Praising a friend

27. Sharing intimate feelings with someone

28. Offering a loan

29. Expressing my opinion publicly

30. Feeling angry towards my parents

TOTAL: __________

Tally your score. The range is 30 - 120. Evaluate your score on the following scale:

30 - 65:  You are generally assertive.

66 - 85:  You need practice to become more assertive.

86 - 120:  Your lack of assertiveness is probably producing unnecessary stress


Regardless of how you scored, you should go back and star any situations which you find stressful. The assertiveness training techniques offered later in this book should help you deal with the stress these situations produce.

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