Systematic Stress Management Program

Step 6: Time Management

Step 6: Time Management Section

Activity Log

In order to improve time usage, you need to know how you currently spend your time. Estimate the amount of time you spend on the following daily activities. Choose an average day with average demands on your time. Write in any additional time demands not listed.


After completing, total each section and then add the subtotals together. The total cannot be more than the 1,440 minutes in a day. Check your figures if you are much higher or lower than this. Now go back and evaluate how you spend your time. If you think you are spending too much time on an activity, then put a minus sign (-) in the rating column. If you feel you spend too little time on an activity, put a plus sign (+) in the rating column. For those activities you feel have the right amount of your time, put an equal sign (=).


Finally, make adjustments in your daily routine so that you will be spending more time on activities rated plus (+) and less time on activities rated minus (-). The next section, “Time Management Techniques,” should be helpful to you in making these changes.

Work Activities & Time Spent (10 Minute Blocks)

•  Commuting time

•  Meetings

•  Telephone calls

•  Reading, paper work, and correspondence

•  Maintaining equipment

•  Helping co-workers

•  Drop-in visitors

•  Seeing the boss

•  Receiving and/or shipping stock

•  Traveling on the job

•  Calling on customers

•  Miscellaneous job activities

Personal Activities & Time Spent (10 Minute Blocks)

•  Grooming and personal care

•  Eating

•  Sleeping

•  Physical activity

•  Calling on customers

Household & Family Activities & Time Spent (10 Minute Blocks)

•  Cooking

•  Laundering

•  Housecleaning

•  Yard work

•  Household maintenance

•  Shopping

•  Paying bills

•  Child care activities

•  Religious activities

•  Family outings

•  Family communication

•  Miscellaneous family activities

Leisure Activities & Time Spent (10 Minute Blocks)

•  Listing to music

•  Television viewing

•  Hobbies

•  Spectator sports

•  Parties and socializing

•  Miscellaneous activities

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