Brought to you by: American Institute for Preventive Medicine

Step 4: Biofeedback Training & Relaxation

Personal Mental Imagery

If the beach scene does not seem relaxing, choose another scene like a forest or a peaceful sunrise. A Personal Mental Imagery can even be a place of fantasy. Then take an imaginary visit there and relax in the process. Imagine this peaceful situation using the following 10 steps.

1.  Find yourself a comfortable sitting or reclining position.

2.  Gently close your eyes.

3.  Notice nothing but your own gentle breathing pattern.

4.  Begin to think about your favorite relaxation. Picture where you are and what you do when your mind and body are so very, very relaxed. Pause to create and capture the image of your quiet place.

5.  Pretend that you are really there in your special relaxing environment. Picture all the colors... Hear the sounds... Smell the aromas... Taste... Touch your surroundings as if you are really there... Enjoy... Relax...

6.  Feel the calm and peace... Allow yourself to feel good... Let your whole body relax and enjoy the moment.

7.  Pause for 5 to 10 minutes and become filled with relaxation.

8.  Allow the relaxation to re-energize your body and mind.

9.  As you feel comfortable, slowly open your eyes, feeling totally refreshed.

10.Escape to your special place anytime you wish to relax, if even for a moment.


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