Brought to you by: American Institute for Preventive Medicine

Make Stress Work for You

Slay your dragons and eat them for lunch! (Figuratively speaking, that is.) Lots of people have learned to tame stress by refusing to accept defeat in the face of negative forces. Instead, they meet stress head on, with a positive outcome. In other words, if you can use a negative event (like losing your job) to motivate you to take positive action (like getting a better job), you can beat stress at its own game.

Here’s how you can make stress work for you, not against you.

•  Try not to think of setbacks as defeats.

•  View stress as an energizer. Consider each new demand as a challenge, no matter how forbidding it may seem.

•  Always ask yourself, “What’s the best that can happen?” rather than “What’s the worst possible outcome?”

•  Pause between skirmishes. Allow for rest and recuperation before facing each challenge.

•  Take charge. Although you can’t control other people’s actions, you can control your response to what comes your way. When it comes to managing your emotions, you’re the boss.

•  Don’t try to please everyone—you can’t. (Do aim to please yourself occasionally, though.)

•  Get the big picture. Think in terms of long-range goals, not just day-to-day problems.

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