Step 5: Thinking Differently
General Stress Management
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A variety of stress management techniques are available for our use and health enhancement. Some will be more useful than others. Try each of them several times to know which are the most effective for you. Keep in mind the following guidelines for learning stress management.
1. Changing behaviors should be thought of as a process that takes time. Don’t look for quick fixes, but rather strive for long-term results.
2. Don’t try to change everything overnight. Pick one or two areas of stress to work on.
3. Think about your choices. Take small steps. Don’t tackle your biggest problem right away. Choose situations that will bring immediate success and satisfaction.
4. Expect some setbacks, but don’t get discouraged by them. Return to your techniques.
5. Keep your self-worth separate from your stress management efforts. It’s the trying that’s important.
6. Expect change in small areas first. Most stressful situations need to be tackled individually.
7. Let others help. Share your goals with them and ask them to help with your stress management efforts.
8. Keep a journal or diary of your progress. It helps focus your efforts and keeps you aware of what you are doing.
9. Practice several of the techniques you have learned. Don’t rely on just one.
10. You must really use these techniques to benefit from them. Don’t put your materials away and forget what you’ve learned. Reuse the information frequently. Set a goal to read this information in three, six, and twelve months.
Stress Management Quick Links
STEP 5: Thinking Differently
Match the Self-Talk to the Theory
Catch Questionable Comparisons
Thought Habits Become Language Patterns
How to Dispute a Belief
Thought Control Techniques
The Power of Creative Imagination
Developing the Most Effective Creative Imagery
General Stress Management Guidelines
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