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Step 5: Thinking Differently

Steps to Developing the Most Effective Creative Imagery

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Step 1

Write down or repeat out loud your image of an upcoming stressful situation or event, phrasing it in the present tense.

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STEP 5: Thinking Differently


Step 2

Take a deep, relaxing breath. You are more receptive to ideas when you’re relaxed. Create a picture in detail. Your mental pictures should be as much like the actual experience as possible. Pay attention to sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touches, and other details in the scene.

Imagine the desired results actually happening. Imagine it in the present tense using phrases like “I am.” Do not use terms like “I hope” or “I’ll try to.”

Step 4

Create positive emotions like pride, joy, relaxation, or happiness in your scene. Smile while you’re still imagining it.

Devote five minutes to this image at least twice a day. Try it first thing in the morning prior to getting out of bed and again in the evening just before dozing off to sleep. Let all your body tension escape. Imagine yourself being very calm and relaxed.

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