Step 6: Time Management
Delegation Caddy
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Compare the idea of delegation to having a good caddy in a golf tournament. A caddy helps the golfer with his/her game. Delegation can help you with your projects. When you wish to delegate, remember the word CADDY and follow these guidelines.
Clarify your objectives:
What is the nature of the project to be accomplished? Are you assigning a task or a responsibility?
Defining Your Life Goals
Specify the amount of work that is expected.
Due Date:
Propose a due date for completion. This must be realistic for the amount of work being expected. Set up checkpoints to evaluate if the work is on target.
Have ways to evaluate the desired results. These should be made clear to the person doing the work.
Successful delegation depends on giving the person being delegated enough information. Stress will be reduced and there will be greater productivity and satisfaction. The best way to improve your skill of delegation is to practice it. Choose something simple to being with and use the formula below to carry it out.
Instructions: List two items that could be delegated to others. Next, fill in the appropriate information under C, A, DD, and Y.
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