Step 6: Time Management
Define Your Life Goals
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The first step in time management is learning to set goals – and reach them. Writing goals on paper helps clarify what’s important to you. This activity provides both a clearer view of your priorities and an organized approach to handling daily events. Unwritten goals tend to be vague and easy to forget. Identify your goals and then write them down in each category. Consider the following areas when writing goals:
Stress Management Quick Links
STEP 6: Time Management
• Personal
• Career
• Family
• Spiritual
• Leisure Time
• Education
1. Long Range
List your lifetime goals and prioritize them.
2. Mid Range
List and prioritize your goals for the next 3 - 5 years.
How Do I Procrastinate?
3. Short Term
List and prioritize your goals as if you had just six months to live.
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