Brought to you by: American Institute for Preventive Medicine

Step 3: Type a & B Behavior Patterns

Are You a Type B?

Type B behaviors are the healthier counterpart to Type A behaviors. They are slower and more relaxed. Consider the following characteristics of the Type B personality. Place a plus mark (+) by each one that describes you. Place a double plus mark (++) by those you would like to increase.

•  Easy-going manner

•  Patient

•  Rarely look at watch

•  Good listener

•  Appreciate leisure and beauty

•  Not preoccupied with achievement

•  Not driven by the clock

•  Not competitive

•  Tendency to take a long range view of things

•  Casual style

•  Delegates tasks with comfort

•  Enjoys accomplishments of self and others

•  Allows time for thinking things out

•  Does things one at a time

•  Slow, deliberate talker

•  Does not allow self to feel rushed

•  Enjoys the present

•  Likes to relax

•  Expresses affection openly

•  Has good self-esteem

Begin including behaviors that you marked with a double plus in your daily behavior.

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