Step 6: Time Management
Activity Worksheet
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Activities are the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals. From the preceding exercise, “Defining Your Life Goals,”
1. Take your highest priority goal from each section and write it below. After that top priority goal,
2. List the activities which must be accomplished in order to achieve it. After completing this for each of the three sections,
3. Go back and ask yourself whether you would be willing to devote 5 minutes to each activity in the next week. If you answered no,
4. Cross out the activity. Next,
5. Prioritize remaining activities with No. 1 being most important. Finally,
6. Set deadlines for completing each activity.
Stress Management Quick Links
STEP 6: Time Management
Does Time Get the Best of You?
Defining Your Life Goals
Activity Worksheet
Activity Log
Time Management Techniques
Action Plan for Improving Time Usage
Procrastination Quiz
How Do I Procrastinate?
Dozen Ways to Overcome Procrastination
Should You Delegate?
Delegation Caddy
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