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Step 7: Communication & Stress


Listening and being assertive are two communication skills that help manage stress. Both are needed in personal, social and professional interactions.


When someone is misunderstood due to a listening error, stress can be the outcome. If someone cannot communicate their views in an assertive way, stress and frustration result. Effective listening and being assertive can be learned. The positive outcome will be improved communication and stress reduction.


Listening is more than just hearing the actual words of another person. Hearing just means that your ears have sensed or received sound waves. It’s only the first step. What follows is interpretation, evaluation and responding to what is heard. Blocks to listening disrupt communication. You’ll learn to recognize them and see how they can be avoided.


Being assertive is also a stress reducer. Assertiveness will help you communicate your views without creating stress for yourself or for others. You’ll also learn how to distinguish between assertive, passive and aggressive behavior and you’ll learn the consequences of each.

The Benefits of Assertiveness

Assertiveness Training - The L.A.D.D.E.R. Technique

My Practice L.A.D.D.E.R.


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