Step 4: Biofeedback Training & Relaxation
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This section presents a multiple treatment approach to relaxation training. It begins with an explanation of how each individual can systematically learn how to bridge the mind and body through their own efforts. Then the section will offer a variety of relaxation techniques and concepts. Some techniques may be better suited for you than others. You will choose to put into your schedule those techniques that you are good at and enjoy the most.
Like any new behavior, learning to relax in a healthy manner takes practice. It is not enough to only read about relaxation techniques. They must be practiced. Commit to using relaxation tools throughout your day.
Stress Management Quick Links
STEP 4: Biofeedback Training & Relaxation
The Mind/Body Bridge
Biofeedback Training
Relaxation Techniques
• Help the body to relax when under stress. This minimizes the physical wear and tear from stress.
• Help the mind to relax. Where the mind goes, the body follows.
• Help people learn to recognize body tension and work to reduce it. The more these techniques are practiced, the easier they become.
• Help people to become more stress resistant. The more practice, the more relaxed your natural state will become.
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