Join us for a free webinar on Wise Health Care Consumerism

Dr. Powell shares his expertise in a free webinar!

WHAT: Power to the Patient: Teaching Wise Health Care Consumerism in the Workplace
WHEN: Wednesday, February 29, 1:00 PM EST*
LENGTH: About 30 mins., plus time for questions
HOST: Dr. Don R. Powell, President and CEO, American Institute for Preventive Medicine
REGISTRATION: Completely free! Sign up here — space is limited.

WHY: Wise health care consumerism is the missing link in most wellness programs.

Escalating health care costs have burdened both employees and employers. The average cost of a visit to the doctor is about $199; a visit to the ER costs about $922, according to AHRQ. About 25% of those visits are unnecessary, costing billions of dollars every year.

Teaching employees to make wise decisions about their health care empowers your employees and saves your company money. It can even improve an employee’s general health — whether or not you have a wellness program in place.

In this to-the-point, engaging webinar, our President and CEO, Dr. Don R. Powell, will discuss compelling reasons to incorporate wise health care consumerism in your wellness program. He’ll also share practical, creative and budget-friendly ideas for giving your employees the tools they need to navigate an increasingly complex health care system.

Join us on Wednesday, February 29, at 1:00 PM EST*. This program is FREE, but space is limited, so register today.

We look forward to speaking with you on 2/29!

*Please note new date!