Important Home Safety Tips About Cancer-Causing Radon

This time of year, when many of us keep our windows closed, it’s important to be reminded about the real danger of high levels of radon in our homes. Please share this information with employees about keeping their families safe in their homes.

Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the US. Breathing it over long periods can present a significant health risk to families all over the country. Radon is an invisible radioactive gas that seeps into homes undetected through foundation cracks. It can reach harmful levels if trapped indoors. It travels up from underground sources of uranium in the earth’s crust.

You can’t see, smell or taste radon. 

Fortunately, the radon threat is preventable with some simple steps. In existing homes, families can begin protecting themselves by buying an easy-to-use radon test kit to find out if a high level exists. If so, a high level might be lowered simply with a straight-forward radon venting system installed by a contractor.

In new homes, builders can easily and economically include radon-resistant features during construction. Home buyers should ask for these. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also recommends that home buyers ask their builder to test for radon gas before they move in.

According to the EPA, 1 in every 15 homes nationwide has a high radon level. Test your home for radon every 2 years. Retest for it any time you move, make structural changes to your home, or occupy a previously unused level of a house.

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