If Food Were Health Care

Wee all know that health care costs have risen at rates beyond comprehension.  We constantly hear numbers thrown around as to what health care is costing,  but it’s impossible to imagine what a billion dollars really looks like.  Let’s take a look at the increase from another angle,  possibly making it easier to digest 😉 …

If food prices had risen at medical inflation rates since the 1930’s:

1 dozen eggs $  92.97
1 pound apples $  14.18
1 pound sugar $  15.87
1 roll toilet tissue $  28.05
1 dozen oranges $  125.08
1 pound butter $  108.32
1 pound bananas $  18.60
1 pound bacon $  141.99
1 pound beef shoulder $  50.52
1 pound of coffee $  74.40
10 item total $669.98

Source: American Institute for Preventive Medicine, 2013

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