Five ways to make your health fair better

A yoga instructor leads a class at a U.S. Navy health fair. Source.

We’re rounding the bend into fall, and for a lot of you, that means planning your health fairs.

Whether you are planning a health fair for the first time or coordinate several health fairs a year, you probably face the same challenge: getting your employees to attend, engage, and have fun.

So! We invited health fair expert Melissa Flanders of Lifestyles INFOCUS to share five ideas for increasing employee attendance and participation while keeping your health fair fresh, creative, and worth it. Take it away, Melissa!


Attract employees to your event by offering an employee raffle of health-related gifts.

No budget to buy gifts? NO PROBLEM! Vendors you’ve invited are usually more than happy to offer donations to the raffle. Even the benefits providers like to donate! All you have to do is ask.

If you do have it in your budget, raffle off one large-ticket item, like a WiiFIT or a mountain bike (or even an extra day off). Make a raffle form that encourages employees to get initials from the vendors. Once the employee has collected all vendor initials, she is eligible to enter the drawing.


When inviting vendors, make sure that they’re able to provide a complimentary screening or samples of their products. For example, if you have a chiropractor who will be attending the event, ask if he is able to bring a massage therapist with him and offer free chair massages to the employees.


The number one reason why employees don’t show up to their health fair? They DON’T KNOW ABOUT IT!

Make sure that you advertise your event a month prior to the actual event date. Make eye-catching signs that give the important information about the health fair. Post the signs up EVERYWHERE — even in the bathroom stalls!


Another reason why employees don’t attend is because they know ALL the details of the health expo in advance and choose to opt out.

When making your posters and flyers to advertise the event, keep it fun and simple! Don’t list the names of all the vendors who will be attending. Doing so gives the employees the ability to “pre-judge” the vendors before actually seeing what the vendors have to offer (like the free screenings I mentioned before).

Instead, list what they can expect: FREE MASSAGES, FREE SCREENINGS, RAFFLE PRIZES, FREE FOOD. The word “FREE” goes a long way with any employee!


Take the hard work out of planning a successful event and leave it in the hands of a professional health fair planning company.

Our company, LifeStyles INFOCUS, has partnered with AIPM to offer FREE coordination services to AIPM clients. Contact today for more information about how to have a FREE, fun, successful health fair.