Download this: 2012 Wellness Activity Planner

Planning a full year of wellness programming doesn’t have to be daunting. Thoughtful, yes. Strategic, absolutely. Expensive? Frantic? Scary? Not so much.

Keep it simple, stay organized and have fun, and you’ll be on the right track.

To help you out, we’ve created our Wellness Activity Planner.

It’s a complete calendar of national health observances, like Healthy Weight Week, American Heart Month, and Diabetes Awareness Day. (Our favorite feature? The preview pane that lets you see what’s coming up in the next two months:)

You can choose which observances to program for and access supporting materials to enhance your activities. And there’s plenty of space to keep track of your own corporate wellness events.

Plus, we think it’s pretty.

And best of all, we give it to you for free, year after year. We hope it gets your creative motors cranking!

Happy, healthy planning!


  1. I was asked to chair our health and wellness ministry at my church and have no idea where to start. Your planner sounds promising. I am hopeful that I can receive it before the start of the year and use some of the activities you recommend. Thanks for your help.

  2. Great way to keep us on track when sharing information

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