Health links, week of 6-27-11

I, Ikluft (GFDL , CC-BY-SA-3.0) via Wikimedia Commons

Happy Fourth! Some brief news before we sign off for the holiday:

  • The American College of Sports Medicine released new guidelines for fitness and exercise. The gist? Unsurprising: It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as you do SOMETHING. Garden, walk the dogs, clean the house, or just stand up for a while at your desk.
  • Can text messages help smokers quit? A recent UK study suggests they might. Smokers trying to quit who received supportive texts showed 10.7% still abstained from tobacco after 6 months, compared to 4.9% of those who did not. Read the study here.
  • Infographic time! Path of the Blue Eye reports that 68% of Facebook users have not and would not share personal health information through the social network.
  • Summer safety: Choosing the right sunscreen can be so stressful! Zinc? Parabens? Oxybenzone? Retinyl palmitate? Time’s Healthland blog offers some helpful advice for sorting it all out.

Enjoy the weekend! Be safe!