Be CALMER in 2012

Whether you’re looking to improve your existing wellness program or start one from scratch, the American Institute for Preventive Medicine is here to make your job easier. In 2012, we’re introducing The CALMER Approach for one-stop wellness programming, publications and evaluation. It’s a total — and totally customizable — wellness solution for your business, whether you employ 10, 100 or 10,000 people.

C – Communication

How you communicate with your employees will directly affect the success of your wellness campaign. Our studies indicate that 90% of wellness program members are interested in receiving regular information on health, fitness, nutrition and well-being. From newsletters to pocket planners to rich audio/video content, make plans now to spread the word throughout the year.

A – Assessment

Health risk assessments and biometric screenings are helpful for you — the employer — to gather information about your population and determine your program’s priorities.

They’re also helpful for your employees. Screenings and assessments help educate your employees about their overall health and can serve as a kick-off that motivates health awareness and healthier lifestyle choices.

L – Lifestyle Enhancement

About 74% of health care costs can be attributed to a person’s lifestyle. Your wellness program probably addresses at least one of the following:

  • Tobacco cessation
  • Weight loss/nutrition
  • Stress management

Our lifestyle programs are unique — and they work — because they’re based on teaching strategies for permanent behavior change. It’s not about dieting. It’s not even about willpower. It’s about giving you the skills you need to succeed. Whether you want to offer health coaching, a self-help program or online / social wellness challenges, we have a program that fits your needs.

M – Medical Self-Care

Medical self-care has a higher ROI than any wellness intervention. In 26 independent studies, we’ve documented an average savings of $83.15 per employee in nine months due to reduced doctor and E.R. visits.

Our self-care books and guides, newsletters, nurse advice line, online self-care products and promotional materials will give your employees access to the right information, at the right time, to receive the right level of care.

E – Education

From HealthTrackers for diet and exercise to Be Well playing cards to credit card-sized CareKits, our materials present health information in novel and engaging ways to motivate permanent behavior change. We also offer comprehensive incentive management programs complete with fulfillment, tracking software and one-click reports.

R – Reliable Evaluation

Why wait a year to see if your program is working? We want you to see results! We can provide reports as often as you’d like them, and with some of our programs you can even generate them yourself.

Reports are available for HRAs, health coaching, lifestyle programs, wellness challenges, nurse line utilization and medical self-care.

If you’re ready to get CALMER in 2012, download our catalog and get in touch.