It’s Time To Dance

Here’s a great at-home activity for the whole family. Let’s have a dance party!

Besides being a great stress-reducer, dancing will tone, tighten & shrink your body with constant movement.

You may never earn a spot on Dancing With the Stars, but you can get the same benefits they’ve been touting – tight, toned bodies and noticeable weight loss – simply by moving to your own groove or learning a new one.

With so many varieties of dance – each with different tempos, moves, music and styles, it’s good exercise for people of all ages and all fitness levels. Those with physical limitations can alter movements to work with their mobility challenges. Start with a few minutes of stretching and practice a few moves to warm up your muscles. Begin with slower, less demanding rhythms and build up to faster tempos. If you feel fatigue or shortness of breath, sit out a number.

Benefits of dancing

  • Strengthens muscles and bones. This lowers the risk of arthritis, sprains, and broken bones.
  • Increases stamina
  • Burns calories (150 to 200 per 30 minutes, depending on tempo)
  • Lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol levels
  • Increases flexibility, improves balance, and lowers the risk of falls
  • Benefits cardiovascular system and lung capacity
  • Releases stress and tension
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Elevates mood

Action Step

If you are having trouble picking a dance style, think about the kind of music you like. If it’s country, step into line, square dancing, or swing dancing. YouTube has lots of how-to videos to start you off on the right foot.

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