Physical Distancing NOT Social Distancing

I don’t like the term “Social Distancing.” During a time of uncertainty, stress, and fear, we need more social connection, not less. Physical distancing, sure. Social distancing, no thank you. 

I understand that everyone is in very different situations right now. If you were just laid off and your priority is finding a way to afford meals for your family, perhaps social connection isn’t top of mind. But it will still help.  

Perhaps this is an opportunity.  

I’ve been spending the quarantine at my parents’ house. Outside of this unique situation, I am not sure that I ever would have lived with them again. But we are really enjoying each other’s company (for the most part). We are eating meals together, going for walks, exercising, and laughing. We’re connecting in ways that we haven’t for years. I’m grateful for them now more than ever. 

I am extremely fortunate in that I’m able to work remotely, however, I still have quite a bit more downtime than usual. I’ve been texting, calling, emailing, and FaceTiming my friends and family. Technology certainly has its downsides but at a time like this I am so grateful for its ability to keep me connected to the people I love. Make a list of the people you want to connect with each day and reach out to every one of them. You’ll brighten their day and yours as well. Stay connected.   

Don’t forget to connect with yourself. 

This is also a time to value self-care. Download that meditation app you once heard about. Don’t ignore your exercise routine—get creative in how you practice it. Continue to eat healthy. Read (or listen to) a book. Take an online course. Pursue a passion! That skill you’ve always desired to learn, take it up! Perhaps you haven’t been living a lifestyle of wellness in the past and now you have the time to consider it. Be very intentional about writing down what you want to accomplish each and every day. Talk with friends about what they are doing to take care of themselves and brainstorm ideas together.  

What if, after the dust settles on all of this, we come out of it stronger, more connected, and more present.  

It’s up to you. 

About the Author Brett Powell / Vice President, Wellness Consultant / American Institute for Preventive Medicine

Brett Powell is a Vice President at the American Institute for Preventive Medicine. He is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on how to engage the multigenerational workforce. He was voted one of the nation’s top 50 Health Promotors of 2016 by the Wellness Council of America. Brett’s career is motivated by the prospect of affecting one person’s life in a positive manner, let alone the lives of many.   

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