4 Holiday Stress Busters

Let’s face it – the holidays can add a significant amount of stress in our lives. To help keep stress from getting the best of you during this time of year, try these tips:

  1. Be selective about activities – Instead of trying to do it all, choose just a few activities that you know you can handle – and say “no” to the rest. If you’re worried about offending someone, offer to see them another time, such as a lunch date in January.
  2. Remember to take time for yourself – Whether it’s a walk outside, sitting quietly with a favorite book, or a warm bath, you need time to recharge. If you don’t care for your own mental well-being, you may feel more stressed and overwhelmed when you interact with others.
  3. Get plenty of rest – Although you might be tempted to stay up late wrapping gifts or cleaning your house – don’t! Instead, aim to get 7-9 hours of sleep. Getting enough sleep helps you focus and deal with stressful situations.
  4. Have a plan – If you are hosting the family holiday dinner, make a schedule. Plan house cleaning tasks over several days or a week. Make a grocery list and plan to shop a couple of days in advance. Wrap gifts as you buy them, so you’re not trying to wrap everything in one night.

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