9 Easy Ways to Manage Stress

Don’t let the stress of the coronavirus and COVID-19 take over your life! Here are some stress busters you can do right in your own home. Try to do one (or a few!) of these things to start feeling better:

  1. Connect with friends: Meeting up with other people using social media can help reduce symptoms of stress and increase feelings of happiness.
  2. Meditation: Meditation, such as mindfulness, is a proven way to help reduce stress.
  3. Deep breathing: Slow, deep breaths can calm the body’s stress response and help you relax.
  4. Playing with pet: Walking the dog or petting an animal companion may calm you.
  5. Yoga: Practicing yoga can help the body relax. Try doing yoga videos at home or attending a local class.
  6. Listen to music: Music helps the body cope with stress. Listen to music that makes you feel happy or relaxed.
  7. Read a book: Escape to another world and take your mind off the day with a favorite book.
  8. Exercise: Regular exercise has many benefits, including improving your mental health and stress management.
  9. Massage: A massage not only feels good, but it can help reduce stress and muscle tension.

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Sources: Anxiety and Depression Association of America, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institute of Mental Health

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