8 Hard Surfaces to Clean to Help Prevent Coronavirus Spread

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Based on what we know about the spread of coronavirus and COVID-19, cleaning of hard surfaces followed by disinfecting can help limit the spread of the virus in the household.

Difference between Cleaning and Disinfecting:

  • Cleaning – Uses soap or detergents and water to remove, but not kill, germs and dirt from surfaces. It lowers the number of viruses which helps lower the risk of spreading infection.
  • Disinfecting – Uses chemicals to kill germs on surfaces after cleaning to further lower the risk of spreading infection. 

Here are 8 hard surfaces in your household to clean and disinfect regularly:

  • Light switches
  • Remote controls
  • Desks
  • Hard-backed chairs
  • Tables & countertops
  • Doorknobs and handles
  • Sinks and faucets
  • Toilets

For more guidelines on cleaning and disinfecting, including for households with someone in isolation because of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prepare/cleaning-disinfection.html.

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